
I'm Les. Pronounced 'less'. Like less is more.

In 2018, I pivoted into technology. Based on two ideas:

  • (1) "90% of the world's data was created in the last 2 years" - 2017 ML Report

  • (2) Bitcoin.

  • Prior, I worked 7 years at large international financial broker-dealers. Managing financial products, operating the business, and leading customer onboarding teams. A military veteran with 10+ years of international experience.

    Since 2018, I focused heavily on data science, machine learning, and blockchain technology, and software products. Principally in technical roles. My predominant focus today has become the adoption of a web3 tech stack. Where my side project, Grey, a web3 fashion platform pushes my limits.

    When I am not writing, developing, sourcing fabric, or producing clothes, I take random photos of objects representing esoteric ideas. I chase curisoity with my children, or lousely attempt to make my wife smile and happy.

    I deeply enjoy thinking and finding patterns within products, technology, and human behavior. After all, I am the son of a patternmaker & seamstress. I remain open to new ideas and opportunities.

    Please reach out.

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